Bedtime Stories with Pate Biscuit

Every now and then, you come across something you didn’t expect. In my search to find a copy of ‘Smithereens’, which I thought was Shaun’s only other book, I found this:

Bedtime Stories with Pate Biscuit – Written by Glynn Nicholas and Shaun Micallef

The back cover reads:

Hello Children,  and welcome to Bedtime Stories. I hope you are well and haven’t been squashed by a semi-trailer. That wouldn’t be very much fun, would it? No, it certainly wouldn’t.
It would take hours to clean the tyres.

This is a very special book which I expect you to handle with great care. Inside these pages  there lives a world of intrigue and wonder – fairy tales, adventure stories, flights of the imagination, and most importantly, lots of bad taste, blood and guts.

All the stories have been specially selected by a panel of experts, consisting of ex-members of the Young Talent Team, various rockand roll performers, and celebrities from the commercial television networks. The experts were chosen for their sickening, vile, displeasing and repellent natures, although the lady from the “flying doctors” is very nice.

Happy Reading Children, be gracious and respect policemen.

Love Pate and Bongo

So there you go. It was published in 1990/1, so very much an early contribution from Mr Micallef.