Welcome to the website

I’ve set-up this site as a new place for fans of one of the greatest comedians/entertainers to find out the latest news.

Since mid-2009, there has been no activity at the original unofficial-home (shaunmicallef.com), and with no way to contact the webmaster. Hence – this site!

For now, this site is pretty simple, but hopefully I can add to it over the coming days/weeks/months. You can too – email me.

7 thoughts to “Welcome to the website”

  1. I have been waiting my whole, albeit short life for a functioning Shaun website. Dream come true? Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help, even if that’s just combing the internet for photos of Shaun.

  2. Well, hopefully this site doesn’t let you down! If you have any content suggestions, let me know!

  3. Aside from making this THE veritable Encylopedia-de-Shaun? Nah, nothing else springs to mind 🙂

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